23 September 2011

Another Fall Update.

This is the piece I submitted for my first juried show.  It is currently at YourArtsDesire 

for the Clean II exhibition.

It is about 3' in length and is an old cupboard door from my friend, Clare.  It is called "A Serenity Prayer Mash Up."   The Serenity prayer is interposed with a verse from the song Aretha Franklin sings, Son of a Preacher Man.  Here is how the text goes:

Being good isn't always easy
No matter how you feel
Grant me the Serenity
When he started sweet talking to me
to Accept the things I cannot change
Tell me everything is alright
The Courage to change
Can I steal away again tonite?
The things I can
And the wisdom 
The only one who could ever reach me
to Know
Was the son of a Preacher man 
The difference.

The song is on my iPod and my thoughts started mixing things up and it seemed as connected as it was disconnected so, what the heck?  Why not make a mosaic around it?  It is for sale and the show goes until the end of September.  There is a really fun, new coffee shop right next to the gallery, where a Dunn Brother's used to be.  I happen to know that the floor costs about 60k and is made of very old barn wood.  'Good menu too.

The NEMAA Fine Arts Exhibit is this weekend, Sept 22-24 (2011, if this is archived.)  The opening night is tonight at the Grain Belt Bottling House.  http://www.nemaa.org/

I have posted this piece before but, this is what I have submitted to the NEMAA show..  It is called "Bad Habits."  
I think I would have also liked to call it, "Huntin' for Sinners."  On a blog, somebody had posted that as a caption for this photo.  This triptych is approx 13 or 14" high. It is for sale, as is "Serenity Prayer Mash Up."

 I had to pass on the St. Paul Art Crawl this fall; I will miss the energetic air and crowds that have been so fun down there. 

In November, I will have my art at the Three Crows coffee shop in Delano, MN.  I am excited about this one.
I have been working on a piece that I think I will be calling the "Circus."  'Seems like the circus is always in town, in my head.  Ha!

Here is the link for Three Crows.  You will see a video on the home page; that is my brother cooking Paella!

Alright, I am submitting this unedited.  That takes a lot of time, you know.

Have a Great Fall Everyone!

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